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vGRID Mobile App Privacy Policy

The vGRID App enables some of the functions of the desktop vGRID client to be used on a mobile device, and require that users are already subscribers to the vGRID service. This includes use of an authorised log-on email address already obtained through vGRID. The collection of this email address data through this app is solely for the purpose of app functionality.

Data is not linked with Third-Party Data, is not shared with Third Parties for Third-Party Advertising, or SaferCities Advertising or Marketing purposes, or for Other Purposes.

GPS data is not collected from your device and is used only to display your location on your device when viewing ANPR alerts.

SaferCities complies with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (the Act) when dealing with personal information.

Collection of Your Information

Contact Info

Email Address for authorisation of user log-on to vGRID app.


Precise Location of the device with the same or greater resolution as a latitude and longitude with three or more decimal places, to enable location of device to be displayed on Google Maps through normal GPS location services.

Debug Data

Crash logs, usage analytics and debug data is occasionally sent to SaferCities to ensure proper functioning of the app


For any enquiries, please email